10 tips to lose weight in a healthy way

Overweight and obesity over the challenges faced by women, and want to get rid of fat fat around the waist and buttocks. and in the following article presents Dr. Ahmed Sabry Nutrition advisor and member of the American Association for the Study of Obesity Top 10 tips to help you lose weight in a healthy and safe so that they can get rid of some bad habits that help overweight.

1 - should be plenty of water and natural drinks that do not contain additives eat, because many people confuse hunger and thirst, Ventnol many foods, while eating a cup of water, cold is what we need, and so do not feel bored of drinking water, can handle natural juice without addition or drinks that contain no calories.

2. It is important to look for what should be added to the diet, not what should be eliminated, it is important to know that the slightest thing can be taken every day is the fruit of five fruits or vegetables a day, in addition to the need to eat a piece of meat without fat even provide you with the nutrients needed by the body and also you have to eat more than half of the food during the day and not cursed at night.
10 tips to lose weight in a healthy way

3. We must overcome the food when really hungry, many of us who eat because they do not find anything occupied or because he felt uncomfortable psychological eating, you'll know you're really hungry and need food, and only then eat foods you, but do not overdo eating so that your stomach is not given more than they need, the human stomach with a fist, so we do not have to take a lot of food that is not fully charged.

4. Many of us eat after dinner with which we have the whole day we could eat it, many of us will be a break after dinner take a break, sit in front of the TV, along with a large bag of appetizers or fast food, so it should be guard against this bad habit as harmful to health.

5. Do not try to prevent yourself from eating your favorite foods in and out of your account when you place a diet program, this would be cause for stopping the diet and return quickly to his favorite meal and will soon lose confidence in the settlement process of the damned, you just need to set the limits of your favorite food, if you like to eat donuts, you eat a piece instead of dealing with many of them.

6. Try to eliminate the stop times for meals outside the home, if you find that there are abundant in the home may have to be addressed, and while you can not get out of the house you can eat fruit instead of overloading your belly fat.

7. should eat small meals and a few every day, where research has shown that people who take part of 4: 5 snacks a day are better able to control their appetites because they have the best weight, so you have to calories your body needs every day at some food division to be addressed during the day and be the last meal was dinner.

8. Make sure the protein eating more carbohydrates and fats, it is the key to diet to lose weight and get a perfect body, with a simple practice many exercises help you to lose weight, protein helps the growth of the body and work to strengthen the muscles that burn fat, you can eat cheese and drink milk to get protein.

9. Mark your food "harragas" You can add some spices that you like, especially pepper food, it makes you receive your food in the same light as they make you satisfied for fat diet.

10. Stay away from fast food restaurants, not because it is not conducive to a peaceful settlement of the damned, but also because it is dangerous for your health, but their food is served quickly restaurant does not make you feel full because it does not provide the body with what it needs from the elements basis.
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