All About the Content of Broccoli

Did you know that these vegetables can prevent cancer? Yes vegetables, broccoli is the answer, but do you know its contents? Here's the explanation.

Broccoli contains a:
• 90% water
• low in fat, sodium and cholesterol
• Ideal to reduce weight and to fill the stomach and a sense of fullness and to prevent heart disease
• Protein: 18 amino acid important to build the body's tissues and compensate for damages, including
• Broccoli contains important minerals such as:
1. Magnesium: which raises the efficiency of the nervous system and helps to expand the airways, and prevents clots.
2. Potassium: soothing who is helping to build proteins and carbohydrates
3. Manganese: important for energy production
4. Iron is important to provide the cells with oxygen and prevention of anemia
5. Selenium: raise the immune system and protects against asthma, is a selenium deficiency of factors that contributed to the rapid increase in the number of cases of cancer and AIDS in the world where it enters in the synthesis of antioxidants in humans and animals to protect the thin cell from damage components and therefore protects the body from immunodeficiency
6. Calcium is important for bones, teeth and muscles, nerves and carrying effort
All About the Content of Broccoli

• Broccoli contains vitamins:

1. Vitamin A: important for eyesight and mucosal immune
2. Vitamin B: the important nerves and equilibrium, energy production and digestion, growth and protects against headaches, general weakness, cooler parties, anxiety, skin infections and infections of the tongue, vomiting, convulsions
3. Vitamin Q: Rich in vitamin C 90 mg per hundred grams Lifter immunity and cancer inhibitor
4. Folic acid prevents colon cancer, lung cancer and cancer of the pelvis, and protects against usury crisis
5. Vitamin K: essential for bones, and the prevention of heart disease, prevent osteoporosis, strengthens bones and increases the density, works as glues normally tightly affix calcium in the skeleton

• also containing fibers:
o increase the concentration of antioxidants,
o protect against heart disease,
o reduce the inflammation that occur in the cardiovascular and renal

• Broccoli protects against cancer is indispensable material Alanducarbanol a promising material:

• anti-cancer, especially breast and cervical cancer and skin
• a powerful anti-oxidant
• protected from the harmful effects of pesticides
• resistant to the effects of aflatoxins:
• Aflatoxins toxins fungi that grow on wheat, nuts and pulses cause an imbalance in the functions of the liver and fat deposition in the liver, leading to Chhmha
• caused by poor storage of pulses and grains.
• One of the fundamental causes of liver cancer
• who Dwamon to eat broccoli private Alambram
• At least those rates of infection with high blood pressure and cholesterol and cancers
o and antioxidants are growing rates in the private body airway cells and the course of the nose, which is a natural medication protects against respiratory allergies

That is the general information about the benefits and content of vegetable broccoli, hopefully this simple article can help.
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