Quick Tips to lose weight fast

Many women helpless still for jogging because of the additional weight and muscle stiffness, 95 percent of them jog have a desire to lose more weight, and the simple reason is that every time the weight increases the chance running quickly and easily, need to lose weight follow the diet and exercise are both permanently to burn more calories and increase muscle mass and thus reduce body fat percentage, and fortunately it was not as difficult as some people think.

The following tips to lose weight Mother:
- Put your future plans for your food:
Putting your plan for your diet at the beginning of the day or even a week Do not eat the food than you need when you feel hungry, it will help you to resist the urge to eat junk food or snacks during breaks at work.

- Part of date food to five times:
Eat three healthy meals interspersed with a light meal twice a day, or eat a meal every three hours, studies have confirmed that people who eat more than three meals a day decrease in body density index and waist circumference area of food they contain a good amount of fiber and low in fat, because they refrain from drinking soft drinks.
Quick Tips to lose weight fast

- Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables:
Make sure it contains half to eat vegetables and fruits, and must contain a half-fruit breakfast, and half of the components and the lunch and dinner vegetables.

- Stay away from temptation:
Stay away from temptation and to eat healthy foods without the other

- Stay away from the sauce:
Beware of hidden calories in sausl, using natural tomato sauce instead of soy sauce to put in pasta.Gunakan powder or recovered in a sandwich instead of mayonnaise and infected themselves of spices, olive oil and vinegar salad dressing.

- Do not eat peanut butter:
Eating so much peanut butter and almonds as it provides them with protein and healthy fats, fiber, but it is important to know that the daily amount that does not exceed two teaspoons, and increasing the excess calories to the body.

- Eat plenty of fiber foods:
There was a significant correlation between fiber and weight loss, fiber passes through the digestive system without being digested so it must be in the body work more effort and more time to push out of the body and this will activate the metabolism and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time, so be sure to eat 25 grams of fiber per day, Tgdenha fiber in nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables.

- Stay away from dangerous food to your home.
food is not harmful to your body.

- Do not eat without feeling hungry:
You should make sure you are really hungry before lunch or dinner.

- Note the number of calories:
Monitoring the amount of calories that you consider not to overweight from eating large amounts of food throughout the week.

- Exercise:
The presence of daily exercise, which will make you easier to control overweight, and will help you lose more weight per day.
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